Interested in exhibiting and/or sponsoring IRPC 2025? Download the Prospectus by filling out the form below.

Questions about exhibiting or sponsoring IRPC?
Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in IRPC as a sponsor/exhibitor, and position your company as a leader in this increasingly important market. Secure your company’s participation today!
For sponsorship and exhibit information, please contact

IRPC’s networking opportunities provide you the chance to connect with key individuals, including executives, industry leaders researchers and influencers, which can lead to valuable partnerships, collaborations and business opportunities.
By partnering with IRPC, you can generate sales leads while building new relationships and increasing product and service awareness. Sponsorship provides prominent brand exposure before, during, and after the event. Sponsors also increase their visibility among key stakeholders.
By aligning with Hydrocarbon Processing’s IRPC, you will enhance your brand image and reputation. You are demonstrating your commitment to the industry’s advancement, and innovation. This positive association will help solidify your standing with customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
Showcase your brand and solutions to industry decision-makers before, during and after the event. By partnering with IRPC, you can generate sales leads while building new relationships and increasing product and service awareness. You will also have the opportunity to network with existing and potential clients at invitation only events.
A few of IRPC's past supporters include: